
,2011年7月20日—Thiscouldbewrong,butfromwhatI'vegatheredwiththegames,aFrankensteiner,ismorevertical,whilstaHurricanranaismoreatanangle, ...,2008年5月20日—TheFrankensteinerandtheHurricanranaarethesamemove.TheonlyreasontheFrankensteineriscalledthatisbecauseitwasdonebySteiner.,2018年6月25日—Whatisthetechnicaldifferencebetweenafrankensteinerandahurricanrana?,2016年7月13日—Aheadscissorsthatspinsinsi...

Frankensteiner and Hurracanrana

2011年7月20日 — This could be wrong, but from what I've gathered with the games, a Frankensteiner, is more vertical, whilst a Hurricanrana is more at an angle, ...

Hurricanrana Frankensteiner help

2008年5月20日 — The Frankensteiner and the Hurricanrana are the same move. The only reason the Frankensteiner is called that is because it was done by Steiner.

What is the technical difference between a frankensteiner ...

2018年6月25日 — What is the technical difference between a frankensteiner and a hurricanrana?

Can someone explain to me the difference between a ...

2016年7月13日 — A head scissors that spins inside and ends up in a pin is called hurrincanrana. Frankensteiner is an spiking version with no pins.

Is there a difference between a Frankensteiner and ...

2014年1月14日 — Frankensteiner is like a DDT bump, and the Hurricanrana is like an armdrag, back toss. Upvote


2023年11月22日 — Among these moves are the Frankensteiner and the Hurricanrana, both of which have left an indelible mark on the sport. But behind these high- ...

Difference between a Hurricanrana and Frankensteiner?

2011年9月1日 — Frankensteiner is non pinning, while Hurricanrana is pinning. A Rana is in fact the name of the pin done in the Hurricanrana.